frequently asked questions


WHAT do I need to know to visit king of kings dulles south?

Currently, we are a relatively small group of people meeting in the cafeteria of Goshen Post E.S. in Aldie, Virginia. Our service begins at 10 AM on Sundays and our typical worship gathering lasts about an hour. We are committed to creating a communal and safe space for people to explore faith in Christ without feeling pressured or judged. There are also occasions when we will meet outdoors at nearby locations, especially during the summer, or join with our other campus in Fairfax, Virginia. We hope to share life and faith with you!


You will find most people are dressed fairly casually while others may be in work attire, their “Sunday best.”, or in shorts and a t-shirt. Please dress in a way that makes you comfortable, and you will be welcome here!

WHAT Included in our typical WORSHIP gatherings?

For each worship gathering, we will have a bulletin available on our website and in person. This provides the various elements, such as music, Scripture lessons, and dialogue that the congregation will participate in for the upcoming Sunday. What we include in worship is always meant to draw us closer to God and unite us in faith. You are welcome to participate in as much of our worship gathering as you feel led.

WHAT types of MUSIC will be there?

Typically, you can expect to sing or listen to 2-3 songs on a Sunday morning. We are usually led by a vocalist and a keyboardist. The selections are chosen to correspond to the service’s scriptural themes and often consist of hymns with some contemporary or “secular” songs thrown into the mix on occasion. 


Messages, also called homilies, are typically about 10-15 minutes. However, at King of Kings Dulles South, we believe that hearing from diverse voices is a good thing. After the message, we offer an open forum discussion for about 5-10 minutes. Questions in the worship bulletin often aid in our sharing, however it is not necessary to limit ourselves solely to them. Your voice is welcome!


While many may feel comfortable talking in front of others, not everyone is. No one is compelled to share in our dialogue, and you are more than welcome to just listen. During the Passing the Peace part of our service, we greet one another and tell of a moment when we have encountered the peace of Christ in our lives recently.  Each week, we will continue to offer the opportunity to share your thoughts and hope you may eventually feel at ease and inspired to do so.


Communion is celebrated almost every Sunday using bread and wine or juice. All may come to the Lord’s Table. When you come forward for Communion, hold out your hands to receive the host in the form of a wafer. You may dip the host into the communal cup of wine or may choose an individual cup with grape juice. As you hear these words spoken, “The body of Christ given for you,” and “The blood of Christ shed for you,” know that you are deeply loved and are being nourished by the presence of Christ in the life and body of the Church. Should you prefer to stay seated, Communion will be offered to you there. Participating in Communion is a judgement-free choice. Should you be interested, KKDS offers First Communion classes for anyone wanting to learn more about it or other practices of our church.

Do I have to be a church member?

We are happy to have people attend and participate as often and for as long as they would like. Everyone may have input as to programs, events, service projects, and other elements of being a church. There are a few leadership positions and some things upon which we vote that do require being a King of Kings member.  These include the annual budget, offering designations, constitutional changes, and other voting rights.

How Do I become a church member?

It’s easy! Just inform Pastor Garrett of your interest in becoming a King of Kings member, and he will most likely invite you to have a conversation with him. If you have previously been baptized in a Christian denomination or are transferring your membership from another congregation, then becoming a King of Kings member is just a matter of filling out a letter of intent and receiving approval by the church council.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is one of the two sacraments instituted by Jesus that mark Lutheran theology and practice. The other is Holy Communion. ELCA Lutherans believe that Baptism is the Church’s entry rite. It brings people into the Church, which is Christ’s living body on earth, and bestows upon all the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life. Just as the First Century church baptized whole families, including infants, so do we. As we are washed in water and Word, Baptism is truly God’s gift to us. It liberates us from our sin and death by joining us to the death and eternal resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized, please contact Pr. Garrett.

Other Questions?

Please feel free to contact Pastor Garrett should you have any additional questions about our church, beliefs, or practices. Pr. Garrett is always willing to speak by phone call, meet over coffee, or share in conversation over a meal. He is looking forward to hearing from you.