Adult Enrichment

In addition to the Bible, we utilize various resources to guide our group studies aimed at growing in and living out our faith. Our resources cover a wide variety of topics, such as the ones below. New studies are offered on a regular basis, and your perspective would be highly valued. Members of both King of Kings campuses often participate both in-person and via Zoom.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero aids us in learning to slow down our lives and develop a closer personal relationship with Jesus. The author invites us to do this by better knowing ourselves, discovering our origins, enlarging our souls, cultivating spiritual disciplines, and designing a lifelong plan to live in God’s love.

The Enneagram is a system of personality-typing that describes various ways people perceive the world and interpret it through their behavior. This book, Heart of the Enneagram by Sandra Smith and Christopher Copeland, was utilized along with its accompanying podcasts to give us another tool to understand how and why we act the way we do.

This devotional book, Every Thing is Sacred, by Richard Rohr, dovetails with his book, The Universal Christ. These devotions share 40 practices and reflections. Each set pairs key passages with prayers, journal prompts, and exercises that invite readers into a more hope-filled personal encounter with the compassion of Christ.

This video-based series, called Earthbound, helped us rethink our relationship with God’s magnificent creation and what it means to call the earth our home. Together, we explored a biblical framework for how and why God created and calls us to care for the earth.

Discover how the Bible’s earliest Gospel portrays the incredible story of Jesus. Through this video-based series, scholar Amy-Jill Levine walked us through the pivotal moments of Mark’s Gospel, and made the message of Good News come alive as she portrayed Jesus in a new and divine light.

This study helped us consider that if we are to have a future different from our past, then it must come as a gift from God. For, God refuses to be trapped by history, and is ready to do something altogether new, including show up amongst us, here and now.