Following Christ, Living Faithfully, Serving Others.

Are you searching for a safe community in which to start or move forward in your Christian journey? If so, you have come to the right place.

King of Kings Lutheran Church is a growing church in the Dulles South area of Loudoun County. We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00 AM at Goshen Post Elementary School, and on occasion outdoors at Meadow Glen Park Pavilion, which is adjacent to the school.

We believe that “in Christ, all are one.” (Gal. 3:28)

King of Kings is a community of believers and questioners of all ages and backgrounds, colors and cultures, physical and mental challenges, and abilities and gifts. We are a people who represent and welcome all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We are committed to pursuing justice for all and reject discrimination and racism in any form. We are a church where we can live beyond societal labels to worship, celebrate, grieve, rejoice, renew, and discover our God-given call to serve and love others.

We invite you to join us as we journey in faith together!

Here are some of our Upcoming and recent Events, Announcements, and gatherings.

You are invited to join us this Sunday as we celebrate in worship, together. Please CLICK HERE for our worship bulletin.

ALL OF OUR 10 AM GATHERINGS ARE also Streamed Online. We have recently shifted to Streaming Live on Youtube instead of FACEBOOK. ANYONE IS WELCOME TO join and participate. Just VISIT OUR Youtube PAGE AND WAIT FOR THE LIVESTREAM TO BEGIN.

Due to the impending weather, LCPS has closed and cancelled all activities at schools tomorrow, Sunday, January 19th. Therefore, we will NOT have our typical worship gathering at Goshen Post E.S. Instead, we invite you to celebrate the Sabbath by by resting, being with family, reading, taking a walk in the snow, or doing something that will peacefully remind you that God is with us. If desired, we invite you join our Greenbriar campus for worship tomorrow morning online at 10:00 AM via Facebook Live. Please let Pr. Garrett know if you need any assistance.

POSTPONED due to snow! Join us at Goshen Post E.S. or online via YouTube Live on a future date for an Expressions of Worship. This worship gathering will have a special emphasis on mental health, as we come to understand and advocate for those who suffer from mental illness in our county and country. In place of the homily, participants will be invited to visit prayer stations intended to help raise awareness and offer various ways that we can support and care for others. Come, as we celebrate a God who calls us to love in mind, body, and spirit. All are invited, affirmed, and welcome!

Save the date for our upcoming youth event going ice skating at Reston Town Center on Sunday, January 19th, from 1:30 - 3:00 PM. We will meet at the Wolf home at 1:00 PM (or meet us there) to carpool over to enjoy 90 minutes of ice skating (weather permitting). There cost will be approximately $18 for admission and skate rental. Please reserve your ticket using the above link, as they will sell out. Then, please RSVP to Pastor Garrett. Friends are always welcome.

Join us on Sunday, January 26th, at 10:00 AM at Goshen Post E.S. or online via YouTube Live for Brunch Church Worship. We will continue in our season of Epiphany, as God is made known in some usual but extraordinary ways. This Sunday, God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture, as some people stand at attention, some people weep, and some people prostrate themselves in prayer.  So, let us gather, eat, listen, and glimpse the glory of God. If you are able, please bring something to share for our potluck breakfast. by 9:50 AM. All are invited and welcome!

Join us for worship at Goshen Post E.S. or online via YouTube Live on Sunday, February 2nd, at 10:00 AM. This Sunday marks forty days after the birth of Christ when Mary and Joseph would have presented Jesus in the temple, according with Jewish law. Upon seeing Jesus, a prophetess named Anna speaks of the redemption of Israel. Simeon will also greet Mary and Joseph, proclaiming Jesus as a “light for the nations.” Come, as we celebrate Jesus as a light to the world. All are invited and welcome!All are welcome!

Families with youth in 6th - 12th grades can participate in Confirmation this year. Students meet monthly with Pr. Garrett as we explore faith and the promises often made at baptism through Scripture, theology, creeds, experiences, and activities. This two-year journey is a period of growth in Christian faith that concludes with a celebration where students will ultimately develop and share their own profession of faith. Our next session will be Sunday, February 2nd! If you are interested in your youth participating, please contact Pr. Garrett today.

Due to weather, we are postponing our monthly nature hike until next Saturday, February 8th at 8:30 AM at Hal and Berni Hanson Nature Center in Brambleton to hike a round-about 2-3 mile trail. Along the way, we will pause for a brief reflection. This is a great opportunity for folks to connect, enjoy the outdoors, and socialize together. All are invited and welcome, but please let Pr. Garrett know you plan to attend so we can wait for you in the parking lot before heading out.

Join us for this wonderful opportunity for children, youth, and adults to sing in an intergenerational choir during worship on Sunday morning. Practices will be held following worship on Sunday mornings leading up to the performance. Participants are expected to attend at least one practice and to arrive early on the Sunday when the choir will sing. If you are interested in singing, please contact Pr. Garrett, as we prepare for our next performance date.

Our Previous Faith Formation Study

Our weekly Advent video-based study, Heaven and Earth, reminded us that if we are to have a future different from our past, then it must come as a gift, something not of our devising. What we need is a God who refuses to be trapped by history, and who is willing to show up among us and do something with us, here and now. Our next neighborhood study will kick off in March during the season of Lent.

“We've been looking for a long time for our family's home church, and we are excited to finally become members of such a good one at King of Kings!” - Macchiarolo Family

We Meet at Goshen Post Elementary School

For those of you that love landmarks, you can find Goshen Post E.S. and Meadow Glen Park near the intersection of Braddock Rd. and Northstar Blvd, and next door to John Champe H.S.